You have found the membership community designed just for women with fibroids.

Whether you’re looking for information on treatment options, dealing with doctors, weight loss support, or just looking for friends to chat with and de-stress with, the Rowan Circle membership is for you.

Have you found yourself on the fibroid journey? Not sure what will happen, or where you’re going? I’ve made this Road Map for you. 

Download for free now!

I Get It. You’ve Just Been Diagnosed With Fibroids And Now You’re On The Internet, Trying To Find Answers.

Perhaps You Are:

  • unsure about your treatment options
  • struggling with doctors appointments, never knowing what you should be asking about?
  • scared of the idea of surgery and recovery
  • overwhelmed by all the information out there

Do You Wish You Could Connect With Others Going Through The Same Thing?

You don't have to feel overwhelmed and alone any more

Imagine if you could find a source of information that explained, in simple language, what you need to know about anatomy, fibroids, and treatment options.

Imagine if that same info source helped you work out what was a scam and what wasn’t, and had similar no-nonsense, practical advice about weight loss and de-stressing.

Now imagine if that source of information also had a supportive community of women, all going through the same thing; imagine not having to go it alone.

Just imagine that…. feeling empowered to make choices, confident when speaking with your doctor, and supported by others.

You don't have to imagine: the Rowan Circle is all of those things!

So what will you find inside the Rowan Circle?



From periods to fibroids; what you need to know when choosing a treatment.

Treatment options

All the options for fibroid treatment, so you can know your options.


How to manage doctors appointments, and how you should be treated by your doctor.

Surgery and Recovery

What to expect from surgery, how to prepare, and how to handle recovery.

Weight Loss

Not specifically for fibroids; some general information about weight loss (no gimmicks here!)


De-stressing is important; why you should, and ways to do it.

Myths and Scams

The most important course? What’s truth and what’s fiction re. fibroids, and how to spot a scam treatment.

How to assess info

When reading websites, how do you know what to trust? From medical studies to sales pages.



Our forums are private; no one else can see what you post, only members have access.


You’re not alone; find an connect with other women suffering with fibroids. 


Peer support is a valuable but overlooked resource; get support from people who know what you’re going through.


Get suggestions from people who have been through it, not from people trying to make money from you.



Downloadable checklists, flowcharts and tables to help you organise your treatment. 


Workbook with each course, to help you learn from the material and apply it to your own situation.

Colouring sheets

Relax and de-stress with unique  colouring sheets, created with you in mind!

Recommended websites

Internet information sources that you can trust, from medical sites to reliable blogs. 

Free resources

Hospital checklist

An easy-to-use list of what to take with you when you are going in for surgery.

Colouring sheets

Relax with these fun colouring sheets and take your mind off things.

Surgery stories

An ebook of success stories from real women who have had surgical treatment for fibroids.

Hi there

I’m Isobel. Back in 2015 I was diagnosed with fibroids. I vaguely knew what they were – my mum had them years previously – but I had no idea I might get them as well. Suddenly I was looking at all these surgical treatment options, with no idea what was best. I’d never had any surgery before! 

So I did what I do best; research. I read things online, I joined groups and forums, and I worked out the best treatment option for me. After my surgery I stayed on in Facebook groups to help others, and the longer I stayed the more aware I became of the gaps in knowledge; the same questions, worries and fears that so many women struggled with. I answered questions, but I wished there was somewhere women could go to get reliable, factual, friendly information (not scammy, salesy, complex or misleading information!). I also wished I could spend more time researching and compiling information.

And that’s how the Rowan Circle was born! A private space to get helpful information and support on your fibroid journey.

Made for you

No Fear. No Scams. Just Help, And Support

I understand that all you want is to be rid of your fibroids and to get back to being the person you used to be – not worrying about pain, bleeding, sanitary supplies or doctors appointments.

You know you need treatment, but how to decide what kind? Which will work, which might not, and what’s an internet scam? Your doctor probably doesn’t have time to explain, and google searches have left you overwhelmed and not knowing what to believe.

I hate knowing that there are women all over the world feeling stuck, confused, even panicking about their fibroid diagnosis. I hate the idea that there are scam websites out there just trying to take advantage and scare you into buying their fake products. And I hate that doctors don’t always give the best advice. That’s why I created The Rowan Circle; I’ve been where you are.

Knowledge dispels fear, as they say, and you can get through anything with friends.

Join the Circle

Find the information you’re looking for, and the support you need to get through this!

Not sure if the Rowan Circle is right for you?

Who the Rowan Circle is for

  • Anyone with fibroids who would like non-judgemental support. If you’ve been diagnosed and you’re not sure where to go next, and you’d like easy-to-understand information and to connect with others in the same situation, this is for you.

  • Anyone with fibroids who struggles with knowing what information to trust online. One of my main goals is to help people get real information, and avoid wasting time (or money) to scammers.

Who the Rowan Circle is not for

  • People looking for a miracle cure – if you think there is a quick fix for fibroids, particularly something your doctor has never heard of but that you can buy online, this isn’t the membership for you!

  • People who already think they know it all. If you already know all there is to know about your body, your treatment, and potential misinformation, and you have a great medical team working with you, you probably don’t need the Rowan Circle.

Not sure whether to join?


Is my information private?

Absolutely. Only members of the Rowan Circle can access the members profiles and the forum. 

Privacy is one of the big reasons I created this; there are great groups on Facebook, but how private is Facebook? They are a mega-corporation, and always changing their rules.

Here you don’t need to worry about anything appearing in your timeline, posting in the wrong place by mistake, or your family seeing what you’ve written. 

Our servers are based in Canada, so not impacted by US Roe-related information issues.

What if I sign up and I don’t find it useful?

I’ve put a lot of effort into creating the ecourses and worksheets that are included in the membership, so I would be very surprised if you find nothing useful! Rowan Circle memberships are billed monthly, so you can cancel any time.

Am I tied to a long membership? I have surgery soon

Not at all! The Rowan Circle is a monthly membership, and you can join for as long as you like. There is useful information about preparing for surgery and what to expect, as well as recovery, and you can connect with others in the forums. Once you feel like you no longer need the support, you can cancel your membership at any time through your account page.

You're not a doctor, why should I listen to you?

You’re right, I’m not a medical professional, and I’d never claim to be one! What I am is someone who has already been through their fibroid journey, and in the 7 years since then I’ve been helping other women navigate the same journey. You have a doctor, and they are the ones you should discuss your individual circumstances with because they know you personally, and know your specific medical situation. But sometimes doctors don’t have time to answer all your questions (like what should you bring to the hospital). Or maybe you feel silly asking things you “should know” (like what actually is your period?). Or maybe you just want the support of people who have been through it, or are going through it too.

That’s what the Rowan Circle is for.

I’ll never tell you what to do. I’ll just support you to make good decisions.

Can I buy a membership as a gift?

This is something I’m working on at the moment! I can understand that the gift of support is something you might be interested in giving. As soon as it’s an option it will be mentioned on this page; feel free to contact me and I’ll drop you an email to let you know.

Can I get one-to-one help?

I’m afraid I don’t offer private coaching or support, but I am in the Rowan Circle forums all the time and I’m happy to help you there.

When I was developing the idea for The Rowan Circle I came across this quote:

“Be The Woman Who Fixes Another Woman’s Crown Without Telling The World It Was Crooked.”

It captures exactly what I hope to be able to do… I don’t want the world to know you need help, I don’t want you to feel silly for asking basic questions, I just want to be able to help you make informed decisions and get back to living your life.

Join for as little or as much time as you like. Learn from the courses. Ask questions; if I don’t know the answer I’ll try to find out!

Don't lose more time worrying, or feeling lost and confused. You deserve to live your life!

Important Information:

I am not a doctor, and I do not have any kind of medical training, and I am not claiming to have in any way. This site, and the membership community, is not providing health care, or attempting to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any physical, mental or emotional issue, disease or condition. This site and membership is designed to provide experienced peer support and information, so that you can work with your doctor and any other medical professionals to find the best treatment for you. 

You can read the full disclaimer here. 

By using this site you understand and agree to the disclaimer.